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Становлення та особливості реалізації іміджевої політики Республіки Чехія (2004-2018рр.)

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dc.contributor.author Чепак, Вероніка Євгенівна
dc.date.accessioned 2020-03-18T17:57:48Z
dc.date.available 2020-03-18T17:57:48Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.znu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/12345/1711
dc.description Чепак В. Є. Становлення та особливості реалізації іміджевої політики Республіки Чехія (2004-2018рр.) : кваліфікаційна робота магістра спеціальності 291 "Міжнародні відносини, суспільні комунікації та регіональні студії" " / наук. керівник С. С. Черкасов. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2019. 115 с. uk
dc.description.abstract UA : Кваліфікаційна робота складається з 82 сторінок, містить 25 джерел і 42 статті. Об’єкт дослідження - зовнішня політика Чехії в європейській системі міжнародних відносин Предмет дослідження - становлення та особливості реалізації іміджевої політики Республіки Чехія (2004-2018 рр.) Мета дослідження дипломної роботи: проаналізуввати процес становлення та особливості реалізації зовнішньої політика Республіки Чехія Поставлена мета передбачає розгляд та вирішення низки науково-дослідних завдань: 1) Визначити джерельну базу, стан наукової розробки проблеми та методологічну основу дослідження моєї теми 2) Висвітлити ключові напрями іміджевої політики Чехії на міжнародній арені 3) З’ясувати геополітичні аспекти іміджевого позиціонування Чехії 4) Проаналізувати західноєвропейський та східноєвропейський вектори іміджевої політики Чехії 5) Виділити механізми формування та реалізацію іміджевої політики Чехії 6) Розкрити значення законодавчих засад іміджевої політики Чехії 7) Дослідити інституційне забезпечення реалізації іміджевої політики Чеської Республіки 8) Виявити комплексні механізми реалізації державної іміджевої Чеської Республіки у безпековій сфері Новизна роботи. Що стосується новизни роботи, то це полягає в комплексному дослідженні проблеми; тому увага приділяється не лише безпосередньо об'єкту, а й обставинам його формування. Наукова новизна роботи також полягає в тому, що в українській історіографії приділяється мало місце країнам Центральної та Східної Європи після включення їх до складу Європейського Союзу. Відсутність робіт по інтеграції Чеської Республіки в систему безпеки в ЄС, а також з безпеки на державному рівні, виявило необхідність в написанні даної роботи. Теоретичне значення. Дана робота є узагальненим дослідженням сформованого іміджу Чехії. Основні положення та висновки дослідження можуть бути застосовані при написанні узагальнюючих наукових праць, навчальних видань з історії міжнародних відносин, розробці курсів з всесвітньої історії, історії міжнародних відносин та країнознавства. Прикладне значення. На практиці дипломатичне дослідження може бути застосована при написанні історичних та аналитічніх довідках і при написанні статтей, монографій, рефератах. Хронологічні рамки. Нижньою хронологічною межею є вступ Чехії до ООН в 1993р. Верхня хронологічна межа – до 2019р., що зумовлено наявною джерельною базою дослідження. Географічні межі дослідження. Охоплюють сучасні країни-партнери Чеської Республіки, які є суб’ єктами Європейської та американської системи міжнародних відносин. uk
dc.description.abstract EN : The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that the process of the image component development of the Czech Republic began to take shape after the collapse of Czechoslovakia in 1993. Having gained the freedom of action after the Soviet influence, the Czechoslovak Republic began to search cooperation with the great powers by joining various alliances and strengthening relations with major powers. The NATO membership and Czech Republic's accession to the EU are evidence of implementation of the key foreign policy priorities after the establishment of the Independent Czech State. However, the certain limits of an independent policy implementation soon became obvious, which was reflected in the following, rather a critical position of the national authorities towards Brussels. On the one hand, participation in the work of large intergovernmental organizations providing for discussion of any legislative initiative, enabled the country to put forward its position, but on the other hand, a sharp critical line of the country’s conduct, which reached freezes on legislative initiatives, hindered the activity of these structures. Thus, the Czech Republic (along with some other Central European states, the so-called Visegrad Group – Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic) have become major critics of the EU and demanded that their proposals be considered, forcing some European politicians to say that the European integration of the countries of Eastern Europe was a mistake. The research object is the foreign policy of Czech Republic in the European system of international relations. The subject of the research is the formation and peculiar features of implementation of the Czech Republic image policy. The aim of the research is to study the formation and peculiar features of implementation of the Czech Republic foreign policy. For achieving the above set aim, we are to investigate the following specific research objectives: 1) to determine the source base, state of the problem scientific development and methodological basis for researching the topic; 2) to highlight the main direction of the Czech Republic image policy; 3) to identify with which countries and in what areas the Czech Republic has developed cooperation; 4) to analyse the image component of the common foreign and security policy of the Czech Republic; 5) to trace the mechanisms for the formation and implementation of the Czech image policy in the defence area; 6) to investigate the special feature of the Czech Republic national branding policy; 7) to find out the main differences between the Euro-Atlantic vector of the Czech Republic and the Central European As for the novelty of the research work, it lies in the complex study of the problem; therefore, the attention is paid not only to the object directly but to the circumstances of its formation. The scientific novelty of the work also consists in the fact that in the Ukrainian historiography, there is insignificant attention paid to the Central and Eastern European countries after their inclusion in the European Union. The lack of work on the integration of the Czech Republic into the EU security system as well as on the security at the state level revealed the need for writing this research paper. The chronological framework of the research. The lower chronological boundary is the Czech accession to the UN in 1993. The upper chronological limit is 2019, due to the existing source base of the research. The geographical scope of the research covers the modern partner countries of the Czech Republic, which are entities of the European and American system of international relations. Conclusions. Having analysed the formation and peculiarities of implementation of the Czech Republic image policy, I came to the conclusion that since gaining independence by the country, Czech foreign policy has been oriented toward Western European countries. Active foreign policy in this direction resulted in the following: the Czech Republic has been a member of the North Atlantic Alliance since 1999; since 1 May, 2004 the country has been a member of the EU, since 1993 – a member of the United Nations. Thus, two priorities of the Czech foreign policy were implemented: integration into the EU and Euro-Atlantic military structures. The Czech leadership considers the United Nations as an important factor in maintaining peace and international security and formally declares support for its efforts, aimed at preserving the stabilizing role of this structure. The Czech Republic stands for ensuring economic stability of the organization, its energy and raw material security and strengthening the EU's role in the world. In the opinion of the Czech leadership, this might be facilitated by the EU's strategic dialogue with the NATO and the US. The main foreign policy counterparties of the Czech Republic are European countries. According to the Czech Foreign Ministry, Germany is the most important political and economic partner of the country. This is proved by numerous bilateral contacts at the highest level, intensive development of cultural ties and the fact that Germany is the largest trading partner and foreign investor of the Czech Republic. Another important foreign policy partner of the Czech Republic in Western Europe is France. Numerous regional relations between the cities and municipalities of these countries have resulted in the fact that today France also acts as one of the main trading partners of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic traditionally has links with Poland’s cultural community, as well as economic relations and similar foreign policy priorities. Since the Velvet Revolution, these countries have been working closely together in many areas including European integration and Euro-Atlantic security. Intensive economic and political relations exist between the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Within European policy, the countries seek to coordinate their efforts at the level of economy, cultural relations and security policies. The United States is also declared to be a strategic partner of the Czech Republic. One of the priorities of the Czech Republic's foreign policy is development of cooperation between the US and the EU. The United States, as a NATO member, is the guarantor of international security for the Czech Republic. The United States also regards the Czech Republic as one of the most reliable partners in the CEE. That is, relations with the US have several lines of military-political interaction: partnership within the NATO, participation in military missions in Afghanistan and Iraq and counter-terrorism. It was planned to locate the facilities of the third position of the US missile defence area in Poland and the Czech Republic. The agreement on the deployment of the missile defence radar in the Czech Republic was signed on July 8, 2008. In March 2009, it was recalled by the Topolanek government from the lower house of the Czech Parliament. The Czech military mission in Afghanistan has been operating since 2002. Among the Caucasus republics, the priority for the Czech Republic is Georgia. The Czech leadership opposes recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, still considering them part of the Georgian territory. The Czech Republic is almost 100% dependent on gas and oil imports from abroad. Gas supplies are secured on the basis of contracts with the Russian Federation and Norwegian enterprises. The Czech Republic is not only an importer but also a transit country. Since 2010, it has been buying nuclear fuel from Russia. The country’s coal reserves may be depleted over the next few decades, and businesses will be faced with the crucial issue of attracting other types of raw materials. Nuclear power is seen as a worthy replacement. The new State Energy Concept (SEC) was developed in 2009, which became the basis for the development of the energy security principles of the Czech Republic in the coming years. Currently, the most important documents that determine the content of the Czech foreign policy are the following: Czech Republic's Single Representation Concept (Concept-2007) and Czech Republic's Foreign Policy Concept of 13 July 2015. The foundation of the Czech security strategy is NATO membership. Among the programming documents for the state branding of the Czech Republic there are as follows: «The concept of a unified representation of the Czech Republic», approved in 2005 and the «Czech Centres Strategy 2012-2015», in which the strategic goals of the Centres in the fields of international cooperation, culture, foreign economic relations, etc. were determined based on the «priority of enhancing the positive image and perception of the Czech Republic abroad». The peculiar features of the Czech national branding policy are as follows: 1) to successfully compete with CEE countries and other European countries in attracting investments, tourists, etc.; 2) the Czech policy on national branding is of a complex nature, mainly focusing on promoting its key directions (cultural achievements, tourist opportunities, scientific achievements, etc.); 3) Czech experience is of a system nature, which affected the effectiveness of the branding efforts of the country's leadership. Among the institutions promoting the Czech Republic on the international arena are: Czech Centres, which represent a network of organizations funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country and working with its assistance. The purpose of these centres is to promote the Czech Republic abroad; the National Tourism Department of the Czech Republic, established in 1993, which deals with tourism development in the Czech Republic. Within the Czech Tourism Agency there are such structural units as the Institute of Tourism and the Czech Bureau of Congresses. The mission of the Institute of Tourism is to provide analytical and information services to other organizational components of the agency as well as to professional and general public. The Czech Bureau of Congresses has the mission of promoting the Czech Republic in the field of congress and incentive tourism in the domestic and foreign markets. The Czech Invest, that is the Investment and Business Development Agency established in 1992, aims to assist with foreign direct investment in the Czech Republic and development of Czech companies. The next institution is the Czech Trade Institution founded in 1997, whose main objective is to develop international trade and mutual cooperation between Czech businesses and foreign companies. The activities of the institutions such as the NATO Information Centre should also be noted. It was established in 2002 during the first NATO summit in Prague. Its activity consists of 3 sections: the Information Centre maintains and constantly expands its specialized library, provides the information portal and is engaged in publishing its own printed materials. As well, the Centre deals with implementation of various projects. The main issue in the European direction for the Czech Republic was undoubtedly the EU presidency, which it took in 2009. For the Czech presidency, the main directions of work were: the agrarian policy reform, discussions on the revision of the federal budget, strategy shaping for the development of the internal trading space until 2013, intensification of cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs. The priority of the Central European «vertical» of the Czech Republic is regional cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), which it expects to use for strengthening its positions in the EU, namely with the following countries: Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Germany, Austria and Hungary. Initiated by the Czech Republic, the Visegrad Group of Countries (the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary) was established with the aim of joining the EU as soon as possible. The Czech Republic and Slovakia became members of the Council of Europe. The Eastern European direction of Czech policy has a considerable potential which can be realized due to rapprochement of the Visegrad and neighbouring post-Soviet countries. Today we can say that a kind of Visegrad model of international cooperation has emerged, which combines integration and cooperation tasks and does not impose rigid commitments, so that all the participants remain relatively free in their foreign policy orientations. Cross-border cooperation within the so-called Euroregions rather than transnational cooperation is of increasing importance within the Visegrad Group. The Kosovo issue was a special test for the Czech leadership. The Czech Republic, in agreement with the Visegrad partners, put forward two conditions for recognizing Kosovo's independence: recognition by most EU countries and ensuring the rights of national and religious minorities in the country. Most Czech politicians and citizens of the country reacted negatively to Kosovo unilateral declaration of independence. However, on May 21, 2008, the Czech government recognized Kosovo's independence, albeit without enthusiasm. The President V. Klaus condemned the hasty decision of the Cabinet, which did not wait for fulfilment of even two out of its own conditions. Foreign Minister K. Schwarzenberg called the move forced and offered Serbia maximum support in its European integration aspirations. The Minister has repeatedly emphasised that since 1999 there had been hundreds of Czech soldiers in Kosovo, and the government must be concerned about the fulfilment of the international mission assigned to them. The recognition of Kosovo's independence and cooling of relations with Serbia significantly damaged the «vertical» (Central and Eastern European) direction of the Czech policy. Therefore, Prague needs to make special efforts to normalize relations with non-EU Balkan countries and NATO. The peculiarity of the Czech Republic's conduct as a small country is undoubtedly that that it began to freely realize the possibility of using its position only after leaving the zone of Soviet influence. Before this, it had been limited to the hierarchy of subordination within the socialist bloc. Since 2009, according to the integration concept, the regional integration centres began to open in the Republic. Their activities are aimed at assisting foreigners in adapting to new conditions and counteracting the process of closed immigrant communities’ formation. Thus, in order to integrate foreigners living in the Czech capital in 2012, the Integration Centre Prague was opened with the financial support of the European Foundation for the Integration of Third World Citizens (75% of funding) and the Prague City Budget (25% of funding). This centre has several branches and its activities are aimed at providing social, psychological and legal assistance to all immigrants within the country. Besides that, free Czech language courses for foreigners and socio-cultural courses are run by the Integration centre. With a view to greater integration of immigrants, the Centre holds various socio-cultural events (discussion meetings, exhibitions, concerts, sports events) with participation of the Czech population and immigrants. Having gained the freedom of action, the Czech Republic began to seek cooperation with the great powers by participating in different alliances and strengthening ties with major powers. However, certain limits to its independent policy were soon apparent, which was expressed in the critical position of the national authorities with respect to Brussels. However, the Czech Republic, which is an active member of the Visegrad Group, advocates strengthening the organization's position on the international arena, using its capabilities to protect its national interests both within NATO and the EU and building relations with Russia. ES: La importancia y lo actual de este tema. El proceso de la formación del componente de imagen de la República Checa comenzó a tomar forma después del colapso de Checoslovaquia desde 1993. Habiendo obtenido la libertad de acción de la zona de influencia soviética, la República Checa comenzó a buscar la cooperación con las principales potencias a través de la participación en varias alianzas y el fortalecimiento de los lazos con las principales potencias. La membresía de la OTAN y la adhesión de la República Checa a la UE juntos componen una parte clave del cumplimiento de las prioridades clave de política exterior desde el establecimiento de un estado checo independiente. Sin embargo, pronto se hicieron evidentes ciertos límites de la política independiente que se reflejó en la siguiente posición más bien crítica de las autoridades nacionales hacia Bruselas. Por un lado, la participación en el trabajo de las grandes organizaciones intergubernamentales que prevén la discusión de cualquier iniciativa legislativa brindó la oportunidad de presentar su posición, pero, por otro lado, la aguda línea crítica del comportamiento del país, que alcanzó el bloqueo de iniciativas legislativas, complica la actividad de estas estructuras. Así, La República Checa (junto con algunos otros estados de Europa Central, el llamado Grupo Visegrad: Hungría, Polonia, Eslovaquia, República Checa se convirtieron en los principales críticos de la UE y exigieron que se consideraran sus propuestas, lo que obligó a algunos políticos europeos a decir que la integración europea de los países de Europa del Este fue un error. El objeto de este estudio es la política exterior de Republica Checa en el sistema europeo de relaciones internacionales. El sujeto de este estudio es la formación y las características de la implementación de la política de imagen de la República Checa El objetivo de este estudio consisteen investigar la formación y las características de la implementación de la política de imagen de la República Checa Para conseguir el objetivo de la investigacion nos hemos fijado en las tareas específicas de investigación que siguen. 1) Determinar la base de fuentes, el estado del problema de la investigacion científica y la base metodológica para investigar nuestro tema. 2) Destacar las principales áreas de la política de imagen de la República Checa. 3) Identificar con qué países y en qué áreas la República Checa ha desarrollado la cooperación. 4) Analizar el componente de imagen de la política exterior y de seguridad común de la República Checa. 5) Rastrear los mecanismos de la formación e implementación de la política de imagen checa en el ámbito de la defensa. 6) Investigar las características específicas de la política de marca nacional de la República Checa. 7) Conocer las principales diferencias entre el vector euroatlántico de la República Checa y el centroeuropeo. La novedad del diploma. En cuanto a la novedad del trabajo, es un estudio exhaustivo del problema; por lo tanto, se presta atención no solo al objeto en sí, sino también a las circunstancias de su formación. La novedad científica del trabajo consiste en que en la historiografía de Ucrania hay un lugar para los países de Europa Central y del Este después de su inclusión en la Unión Europea. La falta de trabajo sobre la integración de la República Checa en el sistema de seguridad en la UE, así como en la seguridad a nivel estatal, reveló la necesidad de redactar este trabajo. Los alcances cronológicos. Límite inferior cronológico es la entrado de la República Checa en la ONU en 1993. El límite superior cronológico incluye el ano 2019, debido al estudio de la base de las fuentes de la investigación. Los marcos geográficos abarcan los países socios de la República Checa, que son sujetos del sistema europeo y esta dounidense de las relaciones internacionales. Analizando la formación y las características de la implementación de la política de imagen de la República Checa, llegamos a la conclusión de que la política exterior de la República Checa desde su independencia estaba orientada principalmente a los países de Europa Ocidental. La política exterior activa en esta dirección ha llevado a que hoy en dia la República Checa es miembro de la Alianza del Atlántico Norte desde 1999, y desde el de mayo de 2004, miembro de la UE y de las Naciones Unidas desde 1993. Así, se cumplieron dos de las prioridades de política exterior de la República Checa: integración en la UE y estructuras militares euroatlánticas. Las Naciones Unidas son consideradas por las Naciones Unidas como un factor importante en asegurar la paz y seguridad internacional y declarar oficialmente apoyo a sus esfuerzos, dirigidos a la preservacion del papel estabilizador de esta estructura. La República Checa lucha por garantizar la estabilidad económica de la organización, fortaleciendo su seguridad energética y de materia prima, garantizar la seguridad interna europea, y para fortalecer el papel de la UE en el mundo. En opinión del liderazgo checo, eso debería ser facilitado por el diálogo estratégico de la UE con la OTAN y los EEUU. La base de la estrategia de seguridad checa, segun la mayoría de los politicos, esta un la membresía de la pais en la OTAN. Los principales agentes de política exterior de la República Checa son países europeos. Según el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Chequia, Alemania es el socio político y económico más importante del país. Ello se evidencia por numerosos contactos bilaterales a nivel más alto, desarrollo intensivo de lazos culturales, y el hecho de que Alemania es el mayor socio comercial e inversor extranjero de la República Checa. El importante socio de política exterior de la República Checa en Europa occidental es Francia. Las numerosos contactos a nivel regional entre ciudades y municipios de estos países, han llevado a que hoy Francia también actúa como uno de los principales socios comerciales de la República Checa. La República Checa colabora tradicionalmente con Polonia en el ambito cultural, económico, prioridades similares de la política exterior. Después de las revoluciones de terciopelo, esos países cooperan estrechamente en muchas áreas, incluida la integración europea y la seguridad euroatlántica. Entre la República Checa y Eslovaquia se han mantenido intensas relaciones económicas y políticas. Dentro de la política europea, los países buscan coordinar esfuerzos en la economía, relaciones culturales y políticas de seguridad. Los estados Unidos intervienen como socio estratégico de la República Checa. Una de las prioridades de la política exterior checa es el desarrollo de la cooperación entre los Estados Unidos y la UE. Estados Unidos como miembro de la OTAN es el garante de la seguridad internacional para la República Checa. Es decir, las relaciones con los Estados Unidos tienen varias líneas de interacción político-militar: asociación dentro de la OTAN, participación en misiones militares en Afganistán e Irak. En la actualidad, los documentos más importantes que determinan el contenido de la política exterior checa son: el concepto de una representación unificada de la República Checa (Concept-2007) y el Concepto de Política Exterior de la República Checa del 13 de julio de 2015. La base de la estrategia de la seguridad checa la constituqe la membresía del pais en la OTAN. Desde el punto de vista de garantizar la seguridad de la República Checa la estabilidad política y económica de la UE es crucial. Entre los documentos de programación para la marca estatal de la República Checa se pueden distinguir "El concepto de una representación unificada de la República Checa", aprobado en 2005. Y la "Estrategia de los centros checos 2012-2015", donde están determinados objetivos estratégicos de los centros en el ámbito de la cooperación internacional, cultural, relaciones económicas exteriores y más basado en "la prioridad de mejorar la imagen positiva y la percepción de la República Checa en el extranjero". Las características de la política de marca nacional checa consistenen: 1) descubrir que ante los países de la CEE después del colapso del campo social insta existía la tarea de competir exitosamente entre ellos y con otros países europeos para atraer inversiones, turistas, etc. Ademas ha sido detectado, que la política de marca nacional checa es compleja y, centráda principalmente en promover sus direcciones clave (logros culturales, oportunidades turísticas, logros científicos, etc. uk
dc.language.iso uk uk
dc.subject Чеська Республіка uk
dc.subject інтеграція uk
dc.subject ВАТ «Газпром» uk
dc.subject Державна енергечна концепція uk
dc.subject Протиракетна оборона uk
dc.subject institutions uk
dc.subject Країни Центральної та Південно-Східної Європи uk
dc.subject інтеграційні центри uk
dc.subject брендинг uk
dc.subject Громадянська демократична партія Чехії uk
dc.subject Чеська соціально-демократична партія uk
dc.subject Чеський національний банк uk
dc.subject integration uk
dc.subject concept uk
dc.subject organizations uk
dc.subject cooperation uk
dc.subject foreign policy uk
dc.subject branding uk
dc.subject structure uk
dc.title Становлення та особливості реалізації іміджевої політики Республіки Чехія (2004-2018рр.) uk
dc.type Магістерська робота uk

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