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Економічні аспекти відносин США та ЄС за каденції Д.Трампа

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dc.contributor.author Гончарова, Дарина Вячеславівна
dc.date.accessioned 2021-12-26T10:53:31Z
dc.date.available 2021-12-26T10:53:31Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.znu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/12345/5551
dc.description Гончарова Д. В. Економічні аспекти відносин США та ЄС за каденції Д. Трампа : кваліфікаційна робота магістра спеціальності 291 "Міжнародні відносини, суспільні комунікації та регіональні студії" / наук. керівник М. О. Фролов. Запоріжя : ЗНУ, 2021. 126 с. uk
dc.description.abstract UA : Актуальність теми даної роботи – Європейський Союз і США є двома з трьох найбільших центрів світового господарства, що отримали в англомовній літературі назву «Тріада». Важливість країн Тріади в світовій економіці визначається, перш за все, їх сукупними обсягами виробництва, роллю країн Тріади як локомотива світової економіки і їх впливом на формування і розвиток основних тенденцій у світовій економіці. При цьому основну роль у функціонуванні цього механізму грають зовнішня торгівля, рух фінансових потоків, потоки прямих зарубіжних інвестицій. Прихід до влади такої людини, як Дональд Трамп ознаменував появу нових тенденцій в системі трансатлантичних відносин. Європейський союз також переживає економічні негаразди та Брексіт Великобританії, тому важливо розглянути в чому полягає нерівність економічних пріоритетів, зрозуміти до яких наслідків в майбутньому це може призвести і який або чий вплив будуть мати треті країни світу. Хоча на сьогодні американо–європейський альянс є сильнішим ніж в будь-які часи, ці два могутні гравці великої світової шахівниці мають багато аспектів конкуренції, а саме: політичне управління, міць армій, питання охорони здоров’я, міграційна політика, культурне протистояння і один з найважливіших факторів – економіка, тому що, чим стабільніше та краще економіка тим найбільший вплив має країна або союз у світі. В даному дослідженні розглядаються якісні зміни у зовнішніх зв'язках двох найбільших центрів світу, Європейського Союзу і США на рубежі XX-XXI століть, вплив на них нового етапу економічної інтеграції в ЄС на тлі процесів поглиблення глобалізації, змін геополітичної ситуації в світі в результаті закінчення «холодної війни», становлення системи глобального моніторингу та управління ресурсами планети і економічною діяльністю, посилення ролі ТНК, зміни національно–державної структури міжнародних відносин, трансформації індустріальної економіки і нового економічного порядку, встановлення нового курсу Дональда Трампа, вплив коронавірусної пандемії на стан економік США та ЄС. Об’єкт дослідження. Вибір в якості об'єктів дослідження Євросоюзу і США обумовлений їх важливою роллю у світовій економіці і в розвитку міжнародних економічних відносин наприкінці XX ст. – початку XXI ст. Предметом дослідження є економічні відносини між США та ЄС за каденції Дональда Трампа. Мета дослідження – показати різні етапи економічних та політичних відносин між Європейським союзом та Сполученими Штатами Америки та визначити причини їх конкуренції. Для реалізації поставленої мети було визначено наступні дослідницькі завдання: 1. Охарактеризувати історію американо–європейських відносин. 2. Висвітлити роль США в розвитку європейської інтеграції і відновленні життя країн Європи після Другої світової війни. 3. Проаналізувати прихід на посаду президента Дональда Трампа, його зовнішньополітичний курс, і економічну складову. 4. Показати торговельно–економічну взаємодію між США та ЄС у цей період. 5. Зрозуміти звідки можливе виникнення нової економічної кризи і її вплив на економіки США та країн Європи. Географічні рамки дослідження в основному зосереджені навколо території ЄС і США, а також на основних регіонах, де присутні національні інтереси як Штатів, так і Європейського Союзу, що практично охоплює усю земну кулю. Хронологічні межі – 2016 – 2021. Нижня хронологічна межа – початок президентського терміну Дональда Трампа. Але також слід звернути увагу на 1957 рік, оскільки ЄС веде свій початок від утворення Європейської спільноти з вугілля та сталі (ЄСВС) і Європейської економічної спільноти (ЄЕС) в цьому році. Верхня межа – 2021 рік, закінчення президентського терміну Дональда Трампа. Структура роботи включає в себе зміст, вступ, чотири розділи, висновки, список використаних джерел і літератури, практичну частину, додатки, реферати іноземними мовами. uk
dc.description.abstract EN : The relevance of the topic of the present thesis for the master’s degree lies in the fact that the European Union and USA are two of the three largest centers of the world economy, which received the name of the Triad in the English-language literature. The importance of the Triad countries in the global economy is primarily determined by their aggregate output, role of the world economy locomotive, and their influence on the shaping and development of the main trends in the world economy. At the same time, the main role in the functioning of this mechanism is played by foreign trade, movements of financial flows, and flows of foreign direct investment. The accession to power of Donald Trump marked the emergence of new trends in the system of transatlantic relations. The European Union has also been experiencing an economic turmoil and the Brexit, therefore it is important to consider why the economic priorities are unequal, to understand what consequences might arise in the future, and what kind of or whose impact will affect the countries of the Third World. Although the American-European alliance is stronger today than ever before, those two powerful players on the global arena are faced with multiple competition aspects, namely: political governance, military power, health care, migration policy, cultural confrontation and economy as one of the most important factors, since the more stable the economy is, the greater the influence of the country or union is globally. The present paper is concerned with the qualitative changes in external relations between the two largest centers of the world, the European Union and the USA at the threshold of the 20th-21st centuries, their impact on the new stage of economic integration into the EU against the background of the processes of deepening globalization, changes in the geopolitical situation in the world as a result of the end of the Cold War, establishing a system of global monitoring and management of the world’s resources and economic activities, strengthening the role of TNCs, changing the national-state structure of international relations, transforming the industrial economy and the new economic order, setting Donald Trump’s new course, the impact of a coronavirus pandemic on the US and EU economies. The research object. The choice of the EU and US as the research object of the thesis is conditioned by their important role in the world economy and development of international economic relations at the end of the 20th century – beginning of the 21st century. The subject of the research work is the economic relations between the USA and the EU. The aim of the research is to show different stages of economic and political relations between the European Union and the United States of America and to determine the reasons for their competition. For achieving the above set aim we are to investigate the following specific research objectives: 1. To characterize the history of the American-European relations. 2. To highlight the role of the United States in the development of European integration and restoration of the life of the countries of Europe after the Second World War. 3. To analyze President Donald Trump’s accession to power, his foreign policy course, and the economic component. 4. To show the trade and economic cooperation between the US and the EU within this period. 5. To understand where a new economic crisis may occur and its impact on the economies of the United States and Europe. The geographical scope of the study mainly covers the EU and the US, as well as the main regions where the national interests of both the States and the European Union lie, which virtually covers the entire globe. The chronological frame of this study includes the period from 2016 to 2021. The lower chronological limit is the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidential term. But, 1957 should also be considered, as the EU started to form with the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC) that year. The upper limit is 2021, the end of Donald Trump’s presidential term. The scientific novelty of the results is in the study of foreign economic relations between the EU and the USA, taking into account the peculiarities of Donald Trump’s foreign policy approach. The applied significance of the research lies in the possibility of using the results in studying the problems in the development of international economic relations and foreign economic relations. Currently, the geo-economic interests of most countries including Ukraine, in the light of its desire to improve the country’s position in the international division of labor, expand the markets of Ukrainian products, improve the structure of exports, increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian products, promote the country’s defense capacity and support of foreign partners directly, are connected with the EU and the USA. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the EU and US external economic relations reflect the new trends in the current international economic relations. In this context, it is possible to specify the interests of Ukraine, requirements to the forms of its participation in global processes. In addition, the results can be used for teaching courses on international economic relations, special courses on international economic organizations, international economic integration, political science, foreign policy development of the countries of the Western Europe region and the United States of America. Conclusions. The paper summarized and studied the goals set for the purpose of exploring the US-European relations in the system of transatlantic cooperation under the presidency of Donald Trump. By analyzing the results of our research, we can conclude that the history of the European Union is closely related to the US. We considered the historical events that can be viewed as the point of departure in the relations between the EU and the USA. Most studies in this area consider 1947 to be this point when the US Secretary of State J. Marshall made a plan to restore the economy of post-war Europe. From the beginning of 1950, the diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level were established between the USA and ECSC, and then between the USA, the EEC and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom). More than half a century of history of the relations between the EU and the US as a whole are assessed as both paramount and positive, although they have had different activity degrees and have not always developed smoothly; the relations can be characterized as contradictory, periodically complicated by conflicts, since the EU and US are not only the largest partners and allies, but also the biggest competitors in the world markets. Both partners have similar systems of values, and they declare their favor to a single democratic idea. There is no doubt that both the US and EU have benefited from cooperation in various fields, while the US has always declared support for the European Union. At the first stages of European economic integration, the USA openly expressed fears that building of a new Europe would turn for them and all third countries in closed European markets, which have a common goal to protect their producers. Since the end of 1980, the geopolitical situation in the world has changed radically: the realities of the stage, which was named the "cold war", have disappeared or removed from the forefront. New technologies began to develop at an even faster pace, leading to significant changes in the economy and, consequently, in foreign economic relations. The EU-US bilateral dialog was marked by the signing of the EU-US landmark document, the Transatlantic Declaration on EU-US Relations on November 23, 1990. With the signing of the Declaration on Cooperation between the EU and the USA, there started a qualitatively new stage. One of its main characteristics was new forms and areas of cooperation. From the first days of his presidential terms of office, D. Trump continued the line that he had set in the 2016 election campaign, giving revision to some of the basic rules and postulates that the US had followed after World War II. The US foreign policy during his presidency influenced the world. Some issues came into the spotlight, and the contacts at the diplomatic level changed dramatically. The US foreign policy was affected both by confrontation and Trump’s reckless pursuit of personal interests, as well as by constant staff reshuffling, unexpected steps and discomfiture. After President Trump took over the presidency, he started to undermine international cooperation. On the third day of his term in the White House, he signed the Decree on the US withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the trade agreement of the countries of Asia and the Pacific region. Later, Washington quitted several international organizations and agreements, including the UN Human Rights Council and the Paris Climate Agreement. Donald Trump actively criticized transatlantic relations, repeatedly questioning the value of alliances like NATO, announced the withdrawal of part of US troops from Germany, arguing that Berlin was spending insufficient resources on defense. Trump imposed a customs duty on trade with the EU, as well as the sanctions with regard to the Russian-European pipeline North Stream 2. The content analysis demonstrated that the Trump administration was not inclined to perceive the European Union as a single actor in its political and diplomatic relations, focusing on bilateral relations with individual member states. The movement toward disintegration by supporting the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union demonstrates the trends characteristic of both sides of the EU-US relations, namely, anti-globalization, populism, and disintegration. It also reflects the Euro-skeptic attitude of the US administration, which contradicts the traditional foreign policy strategy toward Europe, while the previous American presidents had encouraged the process of EU integration and enlargement on the basis of the belief that a peaceful, stable and prosperous Europe was vital to advancing the interests and security of the US. Today we see a trade war between the United States and the EU, which broke out because Donald Trump put into effect the earlier-scheduled duties on European steel and metal. In response, the EU imposed appropriate duties on a wide range of American products. But later, the US and the European Union agreed to work together to reduce barriers to trade. They also agreed to intensify trade in services and agriculture, in particular, to increase the export of American soybeans to Europe. The COVID-19 pandemic caused the changes that forced us to talk about the world “before” and “after”. Obviously, the pandemic made major adjustments to the economic situation and the plans of the US and EU countries. Trump’s administration lost a lot in fighting the pandemic at home and in helping its European allies. Moreover, since all countries face a serious economic recession, the member states of the European Union must gain even more by combining and distributing their limited military resources and using economies of scale. First, the study identified the impact of the single domestic market on the nature and content of the EU-US external economic relations at the current stage, and attempted to study the implications of introducing a single European currency into 11 (and then 12) EU member states for the entire EU-US trade and economic relations. Second, on the basis of the study of the latest statistical and factual material, the new forms of cooperation in the EU-US relations were revealed, leading to the formation of a new institutional system of economic interaction, gradual establishment of the Trans-Atlantic integration complex. The main directions and areas of the development of bilateral economic relations between the EU and the USA were analyzed on the basis of the transatlantic Declaration of 1990, transatlantic economic dialog, new cooperation program, and the plan of joint actions. Third, the contradictions between the EU and the US, their sources, and changes in the mechanism of dispute resolution in the context of the EU’s single economic policy were determined. Fourth, the impact of the EU-US cooperation within the framework of the WTO, an important forum regulating norms and rules of international trade, on the whole range of economic relations between the EU and the US was examined. Fifth, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the economic situation in countries and the ways of overcoming was studied. uk
dc.language.iso uk uk
dc.subject американо–європейські відносини uk
dc.subject зовнішня політика Дональда Трампа uk
dc.subject економічні зміни uk
dc.subject взаємно вигідне партнерство uk
dc.subject конкуренція uk
dc.subject роль США uk
dc.subject вплив пандемії на економіку uk
dc.title Економічні аспекти відносин США та ЄС за каденції Д.Трампа uk
dc.type Магістерська робота uk

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