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Инновационный педагогический опыт как объект научного познания

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dc.contributor.author Козинец, Лидия Александровна
dc.contributor.author Козинець, Лідія Олександрівна
dc.contributor.author Kozinec, Lidia
dc.date.accessioned 2018-03-29T10:15:44Z
dc.date.available 2018-03-29T10:15:44Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.citation Козинец, Л. А. Инновационный педагогический опыт как объект научного познания / Л. А. Козинец // Гуманитарный вестник Запорожской государственной инженерной академии / ред. В. Г. Воронкова. - Запорожье, 2016. - Вып. 66 (2016). - C. 55 - 63 uk
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.znu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/12345/573
dc.description.abstract RU : В статье исследуются вопросы становления и развития теории инновационного педагогического опыта. Автор осуществляет анализ теории изучения, обобщения и внедрения опыта успешных учителей на основе принципа историзма, рассматривает изменение места инновационного педагогического опыта в системе научного знания с позиций современной педагогической науки и практики. uk
dc.description.abstract UA : В статті досліджуються питяння становлення та розвитку інновоційного педагогичного досвіду. Автор здійснює аналіз теорії вівчення, узогальнення та упровадження досвіду успішних учителів на основі принципу і історізму, розглядає зміну місця інноваційного педагогичного досвіду у системі наукового знання з позицій сучасної педагогичної науки та практики. uk
dc.description.abstract EN : The article investigates the issues of formation and development of the theory of innovative pedagogical experience. Based on the analysis and implementation of the experience of creative educators in the educational process the author substantiates the essence of innovative pedagogical activity as a means of the development of modern education. This activity is based on the principle of interrelation of the pedagogical science and practice and is characterized by the expansion of scientific research on the fundamentals of science teaching. The article discloses the contents of the main interpretations of the essence of the advanced pedagogical experience from the standpoint of implementation of the function of the effectiveness of training and education.The use of a systematic approach to this phenomenon allowed to allocate its functional connections, properties, structural components, develop a mechanism for the introduction of advanced pedagogical experience in professional training teachers, justify it as a process of self-realization of the creative potential educator. The present stage in pedagogical science is characterized by the appeal of progressive thought of this science for a dramatically changing to traditional teaching practices. Pedagogical science is drawn to the disclosure of the essence and structure in its development of innovative ational experience. Innovations in teaching activities are seen as a social and cultural phenomenon, which has the culture-creative nature.Their essence is not limited to the elaboration of theoretical novelty in the pedagogical process, but require practical application of their in the teaching practice. Innovation is the basis of intellectual resource of teacher that aimed at achieving pedagogical success, theyrepresent innovation, that is highly effective. Justifying the structure of innovative teaching experience in an article highlighted and revealed the contents of two substructures - impersonal (professional skills, methods and techniques), and personal (activity of educator).This is allowed to reflect the relatively stable essence of teaching experience, reveal the nature of connections and relationships of the structural components of an innovative experience: liaison of relationships (between internal and external conditions), the genetic relationships (between existing pedagogical resources system and the results of the transformation of object), operation of the relationships (the relationship between the teacher and students and others.), the control connection (between components of experience during the implementation by the subject the program of the transformations the object). The establishment of these connections reflects the search for systemic factors of innovative experience and can serve as a new pedagogical concept, which is introduced by the author experience. The concept behind this innovation of teaching experience, binds together all the components of the structure of this process. uk
dc.language.iso ru uk
dc.publisher ЗДІА uk
dc.subject педагогический опыт uk
dc.subject инновационный педагогический опыт uk
dc.subject теория инновационного педагогического опыта uk
dc.subject генезис uk
dc.subject наука uk
dc.subject научное познание uk
dc.subject эффективность uk
dc.subject структура uk
dc.subject взаимодействие uk
dc.subject концепция uk
dc.subject педагогичний досвід uk
dc.subject нноваційний педагогичний досвід uk
dc.subject теорія нноваційного педагогичного досвіду uk
dc.subject генезіс uk
dc.subject методологія uk
dc.subject наука uk
dc.subject наукове пізнання uk
dc.subject ефективність uk
dc.subject взаємодія uk
dc.subject концепція uk
dc.subject pedagogical experience uk
dc.subject innovative pedagogical experience uk
dc.subject theory of innovative pedagogical experience uk
dc.subject genesis uk
dc.subject the science uk
dc.subject scientific knowledge uk
dc.subject efficiency uk
dc.subject structure uk
dc.subject interaction uk
dc.subject concept uk
dc.title Инновационный педагогический опыт как объект научного познания uk
dc.title.alternative Інноваційний педагогичний досвід як об’ект наукового пізнання uk
dc.title.alternative Innovative pedagogical experience as an object of scientific knowledge uk
dc.type Стаття uk

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