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Title: Динамика ноосферизации образования информационной цивилизации
Other Titles: Динаміка ноосферизації освіти інформаційної цивілізації
Dynamics of noospherization of education of information civilization
Authors: Пунченко, Олег Петрович
Punchenko, Oleg
Шиліна, Наталія Євгенієвна
Шилина, Наталия Евгениевна
Shylina, Nataliia
Keywords: интеллект
общественный интеллект
ноосферно-информационная парадигма
суспільний інтелект
ноосферо-інформаційна парадигма
social intelligence
noosphere-information paradigm
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЗДІА
Citation: Пунченко, О. П. Динамика ноосферизации образования информационной цивилизации / О. П. Пунченко, Н. Е. Шилина // Гуманитарный вестник Запорожской государственной инженерной академии / ред. В. Г. Воронкова. - Запорожье, 2016. - Вып. 67 (2016). - C. 28 - 39
Abstract: RU : В статье раскрывается сущность концепта «ноосферизация» в сфере образования и динамика его развития через анализ парадигм в различных типах цивилизационного устройства общества. Получило новое концептуальное объяснение ноосферно- информационная парадигма современной цивилизации. Её динамика раскрыта через формирование нового уровня интеллектуализации образования, его информатизации, инновационный характер и гуманистическую составляющую.
UA : У статті розкривається сутність концепту «ноосферизація» у сфері освіти та динаміка його розвитку через аналіз парадигм в різних типах цивілізаційного устрою суспільства. Отримало нового концептуального пояснення ноосферо-інформаційна парадигма сучасної цивілізації. Її динаміка розкрита через формування нового рівня інтелектуалізації освіти, її інформатизації, інноваційний характер та гуманістичну складову.
EN : The process of formation of intelligence as a tool for transforming the logical and human activities, its internal mechanism is described in the article. Intelligence is revealed as special abilities based on the mind, on human consciousness, suggesting and providing constructivism in its relations with the surrounding natural and social world.Intellect reflects the level of noosphere human intelligence, covering all areas of their activities. The essence of the concept of «noospherization» in the field of education and the dynamics of its development through the analysis of various types of civilizational structure of society – traditional, technological, information is explained. General and special content in education is disclosed and a movement from the highest to the lowest, from the old to the new is presented here. A new conceptual explanation of noosphere information paradigm of modern civilization is obtained. Its dynamics is disclosed as a process of steadily increasing power of education in public life. Such an understanding of the dynamics of education is reflected through the analysis of the main problems of education in the new civilization. Firstly, through the formation of the innovative nature of education, where it is presented as innovation that education had not previously owned, and did not bring it such a brilliant social effect. It is a measure of the flight of scientific thought, activity and effectiveness of the subject's action. The essence of innovative educational activities is explained. Secondly, through the formation of the aggregate social intelligence as the unity of science, culture and education. The main features of the intellectualization of education, namely fundamentalization, and universalization, and intellectualization, and informatization is described in the article, and it claims about a new qualitative leap in noospherization of education.Thirdly, the place of the education in the structure of information resources of the society as a special information service is disclosed, and it represents as a professional activity, which results are inseparable from the activity itself.Fourthly, the content of the humanization of the noosphere education, whose tasks include: the formation of a humanistic worldview, where diverse attitude to man, to society, to the spiritual values, to work is expressed. Humanization of noosphere education is associated with the formation of mentality and tolerance.
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